Property Investment

Amateur Landlord is the ultimate resource for all things UK property investment. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, we’ve got you covered with an extensive collection of guides, easy-to-follow examples, and free property analysis tools. 


Learn how to invest in an asset that has doubled in value every 10 years since the year 1086 – now that’s one hell of a track record!

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Investment Guides

Property investment is not as easy as some people make it out to be; so in order to help you become a successful property investor (and spare you from losing money), we have condensed everything you will ever need to know into our property investing guides.

Analysis Tools

Having the right tools at your disposal can mean the difference between making a great investment or watching your hard-earned money arode away. Let our range of property analysis tools be your guiding light towards better, more profitable investments.

Financing Options

Explore our recommended buy to let mortgage brokers and bridging providers. Access industry-leading rates in a matter of minutes via their online brokerages – kickstart your property project on the right foot with our financing options.

Guide Categories

Our property investing guides are designed to take you from being an absolute beginner to a property investing wiz! 

Property investing books and a laptop on a desk

Beginner Guides

Let’s cover the basics

These are important pieces of knowledge that every property investor needs to know, regardless of what strategy they choose to utilise and how much experience they have.

Terraced rental properties in Liverpool

Buy to Let

The Simplest Strategy

Buy to let is the simplest property investing strategy out there. It requires the least amount of work and time, but still gives you a great return on your invested capital.

A tradesperson refurbing a property

Buy Refurbish Refinance

Bringing houses back to life

Buy Refurbish Refinance (BRR) involves refurbishing a property to increase its value before renting it out and refinancing to pull out a good chunk of your invested capital.

Semi-detached house flip

Property Flipping

Buying to sell

A shorter-term strategy that allows you to make large sums of money. Perfect for those looking to build up capital in the short term or who want to replace their full-time job.

A laptop with a property analysis tool loaded up

Property Research

The Key to Success in Property

Conducting good quality property research (a.k.a property due diligence) is vital to ensuring that your investment performs well. This breaks down into two areas: analysing the property and researching the local area.

Person holding keys to new property investment

Buying Guides

Taking Action

Buying a property can be very intimidating, especially if you’ve never purchased one before. Let’s explore how to purchase a property and the best ways to do so.

A Little Bit About Us...

It's Nice to Meet You!

Hi, my name's Victor and I am the mastermind behind Amateur Landlord. When I first started learning about property investment, I quickly realised that there weren't many resources available for beginners. So after gaining a few years of experience, I decided to fire up this site in an attempt to help beginner investors learn the ropes without having to spend thousands on courses. There are no paywalls on this site, all the information is free! However, If you do feel like buying me a coffee to keep me writing more helpful guides, I am not going to stop you...
Fuel My Caffeine Addiction

Analysis Tools

We offer a range of free-to-use property analysis tools that help you avoid bad investments. Whether you want to calculate the ROI of a potential house flip or the long-term feasibility of a rental, we have you covered. When you’ve analysed your property deal and are ready to get the ball rolling, be sure to check out our finance recommendations – Bridging Finance for Investment Property & Buy to Let Mortgage Broker.

A laptop with a property analysis tool loaded up

Buy to Let ROI Calculator

This tool will calculate the ROI of your potential buy to let, and also provide an in-depth analysis of the investment by looking at often overlooked metrics.

Rental Properties in Newcastle, England

Buy to Let Deal Analyser

The BTL deal analyser allows investors to quickly judge whether a rental property would make for a good or bad investment, both in the short and long term.

Person analysing property on laptop and taking notes

House Flip ROI Calculator

This tool is designed to make property flipping easier, allowing you to quickly judge a potential flip by looking at its profitability and ROI.

Terraced house that is a house flip project

House Flip Deal Analyser

Provides a comprehensive evaluation of your potential house flip project, preventing hasty decisions and highlighting golden opportunities. 

Popular Guides



The data and all content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon. It does not constitute investment advice, or advice on tax or legal matters.  You alone have the responsibility of carrying out due diligence to evaluate the benefits and risks associated with any content on this website and seek the appropriate professional advice. You agree not to hold this website, its owner, author or any sponsor accountable for any possible losses as a consequence of any decision you made, based on the information you found on this website. No income claims are being made for any opportunity or method described — outcomes often depend on personal skills and work ethic alongside market conditions that are outside of any individual control. This website is not endorsed nor sponsored by any company or band mentioned therein.